Couples Counselling

Couples counselling provides a safe space free from external judgments and opinions, allowing each partner to discuss their thoughts and emotions. Couples therapy can help both partners to see the relationship objectively. This can be done by looking at both parties as individuals as well as gathering an understanding of the other persons perspective. This can help to strengthen the relationship by working together looking at both effective communication and boundaries.

I offer a free no obligation phone call to answer any questions you may have. Both parties can have this call. If you then decide to book, I will then send you both some questions for you to complete and send back to me. These questions are for my eyes only and will be treated completely confidentially. This will give me insight about your thoughts and feelings around the relationship and what you would like to gain from counselling.

Sessions are then agreed together and will be catered to your needs as a couple. Some things we may touch upon in sessions include; concerns around trust, communication difficulties and life circumstances affecting the relationship. This is not an extensive list and i will work with each of your current concerns.

If possible we will have sessions together but at times i may suggest having separate sessions and then bring the sessions back together. This can help if you feel you need some space to speak openly creating an effective change in your relationship.

If you feel couples counselling would work for you please feel free to contact me.

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